"Mary" Morganite Ring

This beautiful piece has been a sensation on our Instagram and Facebook pages which leads many to ask 'Whats the cost? How do I get one of these for myself? Whats the process?'....so we decided to outline a plan here that describes exactly how you can end up with one of these on your hand!
Initially we need to decide which of the many sizes of stone suits your budget and requirement. Phone or email contact with Lisa (lisa@lisadjewels.com.au) is the best place to start. Also if it suits Lisa can arrange a meeting so you can see the piece in real life, which let's face it can be really important with a jewellery purchase. From there adjustments can be made to setting, gold weight/colour, and other personal touches can also be incorporated.
With a final style in mind Lisa will then begin the manufacture for you. These aren't off the shelf pieces that you can see in a store. Lisa D Jewels product is bespoke and hand-crafted so can take in the order of four to six weeks to finalise. The good news is you won't see anything like it in shop front chain stores, and your Lisa D piece will always maintain its special mystique and aura.
Payment? Well that's simple too. A deposit upon order of 10% and then final payment on delivery is fine. Lisa can issue you a tax invoice with EFT details to get the ball rolling.
The last question - What's stopping you? Well, we cant really see any reason for that!